Lumberyard Guide

 Getting Content to Lumberyard


No additional importer plugin is required for Lumberyard.

In your PlayUp Preferences settings under the General tab, make sure you have the engine set to Lumberyard.

In your PlayUp Preferences settings under the Lumberyard tab, set your Model Export Path, usually located somewhere off a directory like this:

{PATH TO LUMBERYARD}\dev\SamplesProject\Levels\MyLevel

To keep it clean, we recommend using a Model Export Path that looks my like this:

{PATH TO LUMBERYARD} \dev\SamplesProject\Levels\MyLevel\MyGeometry

Set the path to the Resource Compiler (RC.EXE) usually located here:

{PATH TO LUMBERYARD}\dev\Bin64\rc\rc.exe

NOTE: There are two other directories with the Resource Compiler in version 1.8: "Bin64vc120" and "Bin64vc140". PlayUp was tested using "/dev/Bin64vc140/rc/rc.exe" for Luimberyard v. 1.8.

There are a number of other options in this tab that you can experiment with, but do remember to set the Layer name that you want to use.

Export your level.

Open Lumberyard Editor.

Wait for the Asset Processor to finish processing your assets.

In the last tab on the RollupBar, right-click on the main layer and select Import Layers. Find the layer file that was generated in the Model Export Path and open it.